Brett Frost

Dishonored Level

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The starting area, the player has multiple paths to chose from.
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Closer look at the starting point. The player is hidden down in these docks.
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A few harmless civilians work here, repairing a boat.
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The sewer entrance.
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Inside the sewers.
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The main street of the map.
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An alleyway behind the Police HQ.
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The front of the Police HQ.
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The power source for a Wall of Light.
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A guard check point with a Wall of Light.
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Interior of a warehouse towards the back of the map.
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The player can get to the warehouse through the sewer.
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Outside the warehouse, the back alley section.
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Area between the Police HQ and the warehouse, with a quest-related NPC in the corner.
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A building that allows the player to sneak to the top floor of the Police HQ.
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A floor of the Police HQ.
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The basement of the Police HQ.

The reqiurement for this level was to create a block out of a level set within the Dishonored games. There was to be no subbed in gameplay, but a clear understanding of where mission objectives take place. The goal of the level is that the player needs to track down a Police Inspector, who resides on the third floor of a Police HQ. After briefly revisiting the Dishonored games, I got a good sense of the 3-path philosphy behind their level design. That being, there's almost always three pathways for the player to take. An elevated one, a ground level one, and one that goes below.